Sunday, 28 October 2012

Welcome to Mammaful Zo


My name is Zoe, and this is my very first blog post, it is a tad nerve wracking to be doing this! I suppose I should tell you a little bit about me and what my little corner of the internet is going to be about.

First and foremost I am a mum or mamma as my 2 lovely daughters call me, they are 21 and 15 and called Nichole and Alicia or Cole and Lissy. Most of you will know Cole, she is the reason I am doing this, Cole or Coleyyyful as you probably know her has a Youtube channel and a blog, and is at the moment studying hard to become a qualified hair and make up artist, she began her course at the beginning of September and finishes mid November, the course is so intense so she is extremely busy and has no time to blog or make video's that she asked her Youtube subscribers if they would like me to make some video's for them in her absence. I had appeared in a couple of her video's previously and quite a few people said they would like me to make the video's, so for the last month or so that's what I have been doing and I have enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would.

Coles subscribers have got used to me making video's now and have asked me to make my own channel and also a blog, at first I said no as I couldn't imagine I would have anything to talk about on a blog or to a camera a couple of times a week, but then again one of the only things I am good at in life is talking, so I thought I'd give it a whirl and see how it goes, so here I am, and I don't mind telling you, it's a scary prospect!!! 

I love the make up and beauty world, online shopping, watching rubbish but fun tv shows, reading trashy magazines and lots of girly things like that, if you like the same sort of things then I hope your going to enjoy reading my blog, thank you for reading my first blog post, fingers crossed I get better at it in time! 

Zoe x
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