Saturday, 30 November 2024

Some Excellent Black Friday Deals And Where To Find Them


Black Friday Deals, Look Fantastic Black friday, black friday discounts, makeup discount, beauty discounts, gift ideas

Welcome back

As I'm sure you're aware, this weekend is Cyber Weekend, and as I write this post, yesterday was Black Friday. All over the internet, whether it be on social media, blogs, YouTube channels, or even TV, there have been many advertisements for some deal or other. 

I wasn't sure if to include my own blog in that, but I saw some excellent deals yesterday, so I decided to share them, and I thought I would share them here, too, for those who may not have seen them. 

First of all, I shared some great deals on my Amazon Storefront, this is my own collection of lists that I recommend or deals I find. I have some Black Friday deals for lots of different categories and also lists for many different things, too, a lot of which are things I use or have used and recommend. 

To check out my Amazon Storefront, Click Here

Amazon storefront, amazon prime day, amazon black friday deals, mammafulzo amazon storefront, amazon recommendations, amazon deals
My Amazon Storefront

Next up, I shared some brilliant deals from Look Fantastic on my LTK account, one of the things is an under £10.00 gift guide. 

I spoke about my LTK account in my last blog post. I share lots of different items on there, from links to outfits I share on my social media, outfit idea posts, gift ideas, sales picks, and lots of things, there is a lot to browse over there. 

I will share with you the infographics I made and shared over there. Each one shows a different category with the before and then Black Friday/Cyber Weekend price to make things easier, and you can click through to find any items you like that I have shared very easily. 

To find my LTK account Click Here

I also share links on my Instagram account too, if you are not following me over there, you can do so by  Clicking Here

I hope you found this post helpful and that it helps to save you some pennies on your Christmas shopping. Let me know if you buy anything from my links, and thank you in advance if you do. 

Have you picked up any Cyber Weekend deals? 

Thank you for reading, 

Zoƫ x


Thursday, 21 November 2024

All My Must-Have Picks in One Place: Follow Me on LTK

Welcome back

Today's post is a shameless plug, I was going to apologise for this but then, if I don't plug my own things, who will? So, this is a shameless plug post about my LTK account

LTK stands for Like To Know It, and it's an app and a website where I and lots of other creators (I hate that word almost as much as influencer) share the links from videos, blog posts, or social media posts where we share certain items with you, such as clothing, beauty products, and homeware. Basically, anything I share with you will be on my LTK account.

For example, I post a haul on my Instagram account and put the links to the things I've shared in that haul on my LTK account. I also share other things, such as outfit ideas, gift guides and gift ideas, favourites, and lots more. I share beauty, fashion, homeware, pet supplies, and much more with a direct link to the products. 

Below are two examples of a couple of posts I have on my LTK account, these are festive outfit ideas. So, if you like the red jumper in the first photo, you can click the image below the main image, and it'll take you directly to that jumper, so you can buy it if you like. LTK is an affiliate programme, meaning if you do buy anything from my links, I will make a few pence in commission, but it is only pence, I'm not about to become rich from this account. 

LTK account, Mammafulzo LTK account, sharing links, affilliate links, fashion, beauty, homeware, pets, christmas gifting, outfit ideas, home decor ideas, gift ideas

LTK account, Mammafulzo LTK account, sharing links, affilliate links, fashion, beauty, homeware, pets, christmas gifting, outfit ideas, home decor ideas, gift ideas

So, that is my LTK account and what it's all about, I have so many different posts on there, and I share lots of things there that I don't share on any of my other platforms. You can follow me on there too, and if you would like to, that would be very kind and much appreciated. It is hard to build a following on LTK, and I am 10 followers away from 100, so it means a lot to me when I get a new follower. 

And all that's left for me to say is, if you would like to check out my LTK account, you can find it HERE and thank you so much in advance if you do. 

If you're reading this and already follow me on LTK, thank you so much. 

Thanks for reading, 

Zoƫ x


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