Sunday, 25 May 2014

OPI Top Coat ~ A Review

OPI Top Coat *

Hello Lovelies, 

You're already all aware that I have a bit of a problem when it comes to nail polishes and products and I do have a rather large collection of polishes now, some would say it's a little much but can a girl really have too many nail polishes? Ok don't answer that.

I adore Orly nail products and always use my beloved Glosser top coat over all my nail polishes and have done for many years, I have tried other top coats but have yet to find one I like more. 

When I was sent the OPI top coat to try I had high hopes, OPI is a brand well known in the beauty world and a brand a lot of people love. It is one of the more expensive brands with the top coat retailing at around £11 - £13 dependant of where you buy it. I don't own a lot of OPI polishes, a few years ago I did have quite a collection but as with all things we change things up and find new products and apart from a Christmas set with 4 minis in I bought around October last year, I haven't bought an OPI product for a few years so I was very excited to try the top coat.

I applied the top coat over my Orly polish, Choreographed Chaos. I allowed my Orly polish to dry fully between coats and also before I applied the OPI top coat. 

My Thoughts On The Top Coat ~ 

The top coat applied well and the first thing I noticed was that the brush is quite a wide brush, something I do like as I find wider brushes apply products much easier. I did also notice that the top coat seemed thicker in consistency than my usual top coat but seemed to apply well with no problems, I did notice that the OPI top coat didn't seem as glossy as my usual choice of top coat but hoped it would be once dry. Unfortunately the top coat didn't become any more glossy once dry, my nails did have a nice shine but nothing like the shine I have when using my Orly top coat. 

The most disappointing thing I noticed was that the top coat bubbled, it looked awful, not on every nail but 8 out of 10 of my nails had a horrible bubbled effect. 

my bubbly nails

As you can see in the above photograph my nails have a bubbled effect, it is worse on some nails more than others, but it looks terrible. I was very disappointed by the OPI top coat, my nails looked a mess and were no where near as shiny as when I use my Orly top coat. I had high hopes for the product as the brand has such a great reputation but my nails looked terrible. 
I certainly wouldn't purchase this product, the shine wasn't great and I'm not one for bubbly nails to be honest so I will definitely be sticking to my Orly glosser from now on. 

If you do like OPI products and would like to try the top coat, you can find it here and here

What is your favourite top coat? 

Thank you for reading, much love

Zoe x

*this post contains a pr sample

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