Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Barry M Lip Liner In Number 7

Recently I have been really liking wearing a red lip when doing my makeup, this is something I realised I liked around the end of September when going to my nephews christening, I was wearing a burgundy coloured top and Cole suggested I try one of her dark red lipsticks, I was a little reluctant at first but once I tried it I was in love, the day after I dug out my Russian Red lipstick by MAC and have worn it a lot ever since, I have also bought a couple of the Kate Moss by Rimmel lipsticks in red shades too since then and I received the gorgeous Dark Side lipstick by MAC for Christmas, I had wanted this lipstick since using Coles dark red lipstick at the christening, I actually used Media by MAC for the christening but there seemed little point in having the same colour as Cole as we often use each others lipsticks.

I was so thrilled when I received Dark Side at Christmas and have worn it quite a lot since, it is a gorgeous blackcurrant colour and looks lovely with a neutral eye look, I am in love. I like to wear a lip liner with red lipsticks as I find the colour often bleeds. I have Cherry lip pencil by MAC and use that with my Russian Red and also my 107 lipstick by Kate Moss for Rimmel but it is the wrong shade for my beloved Dark Side so I had decided that the next time Cole was going shopping I would ask her to pick me up a MAC lip liner to go with Dark Side.

As you know I have my own Youtube channel and also love to watch other peoples videos, I especially like to watch Pixiwoo and love that they use some cheaper products in their videos from time to time. I was recently watching one of their make up tutorials and Nic was using a Barry M lip liner in a bright pink shade but the colour payoff looked good and it made me re think buying a MAC lip liner. I mentioned to Cole that the Barry M lip liners looked good and looked on their website and saw they had quite a good colour range for a fantastic price of £2.99 which is amazing compared to MAC's price of £11.50. Cole was going shopping a few days later and when she came home she surprised me with a Barry M lip liner in number 7 the perfect shade for Dark Side, she is such a sweetie and often brings me little treats home when she's been shopping to cheer me up bless her.

I decided I would try the lip liner out the next day and I wasn't disappointed, it went on smoothly and didn't pull or drag at my lips and was a brilliant match for Dark Side, I was really impressed with it. I used it all over my lip and then applied the lipstick over the top. The staying power of the liner was really good. I do find that Dark Side doesn't have the same staying power as Russian Red so I didn't expect my lip combination to last as long as Cherry and Russian Red, but it did last for a good few hours, and when the lipstick wore away I was left with the lovely blackcurrant colour of the lip liner which lasted another hour or so.

Barry M Lip Liner In Number 7 

A Swatch of the Barry M Lip Liner 

MAC Dark Side Lipstick and Barry M Lip Liner In Number 7 
A Really Lovely Combination 

Swatched Side by Side
Dark Side at the top Barry M Lip Liner in Number 7 underneath it 

As you can see from the photographs they really are a great match and I was so impressed at the quality of the lip liner for such a brilliant price, the Barry M lip liner is a lot smaller in comparison to a MAC lip liner but it is almost a third of the price, I do think that the MAC lip liners are better quality with better colour payoff but that isn't to say I wouldn't buy more of the Barry M lip liners because I definitely would. They have a great range of colours and are a great price too and for something I don't use on a daily basis I think they are brilliant.

You can buy the Barry M lip liners here

Have you tried the Barry M lip liners? What did you think of them? Would you like to try them? 

Thank you for reading, much love 

Zoe x
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