Monday, 20 May 2013

Essie UK Spring Collection 2013 - Go Ginza and Madison Ave - Hue

Hello Lovelies

As you all know I love nail polish and especially Essie nail polishes, Orly are my other favourite brand and their top and base coats are second to none but I do own more Essie colours than Orly. I recently saw the Essie Spring Collection online and a couple of the colours caught my eye. There are six colours in the spring collection for 2013 and they are all lovely.

The six colours in the UK collection 
Top L-R Madison Ave-Hue, Avenue Maintain and Go Ginza
Bottom L-R Hip-Anema, Maximillian Strasse Her and Bond With Whomever
*Image Taken From Google Images

There are some lovely colours but I chose Go Ginza and Madison Ave-Hue, Go Ginza is a lovely pink toned lilac and Madison Ave-Hue is a blue toned hot pink with tiny silver particles in it. 

Go Ginza and Madison Ave-Hue

Go Ginza is a lovely pale pink toned lilac that looks really nice on the nail, I applied my usual Orly Bonder base coat and then three coats of Go Ginza and finished off with Orly Polished top coat and I was pleasantly surprised, I always admire lilac colours on other people when I see them but have worried about wearing them as I have a lot of blue in my nails because of my medication, I still had a couple of hmmm I'm not sure moments but then my girls both said they liked it and I received a lot of compliments too so I decided that yes it actually did look quite nice after all.

Madison Ave-Hue is a blue toned hot pink with tiny silver particles in it and again the blue toned worried me at first, I had looked at swatches of both polishes before I ordered them from ASOS (I had a 25% discount code so would have been rude not to) but neither looked particularly blue toned so I was surprised by how blue toned Madison Ave-Hue was when I received it, but I did still like it anyway and couldn't wait to try it. I applied it in exactly the same way as Go Ginza using my Orly base and top coat and three coats of the polish. 

L- Go Ginza and R- Madison Ave-Hue 
Both after 3 coats and before the top coat was applied

Over all I am impressed with both colours and think they will both be perfect for spring and summer, and I think they would both make lovely toe colours too if we ever have any sandal wearing weather that is, they lasted well, I always get at least seven days wear out of an Essie polish when using my Orly base and top coat too. The only thing I was disappointed in was that the silver particles don't show up as much as I'd have liked but that's nothing I can't cope with, it is still a lovely colour and I have nothing else like it in my collection. 

Have you tried any of the Essie Spring 2013 collection? What colour is your favourite? 

Thank you for reading, much love as always

Zoe x

You can buy the Essie Spring Collection at ASOS Here 

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