Monday, 12 January 2015

NOTD - Nail Of The Day

Hello Lovelies,

Today I have a NOTD post or a nail of the day post as they are otherwise known in the blogging world, I think and yes I am pretty sure that this is the first ever NOTD post I have written, I have written several reviews of polishes etc but never a NOTD, how many times can I write NOTD in one post? 

Anyway, I digress as usual, todays NOTD there I go again using NOTD, is a look I personally think is nice for the winter time, and January in particular, Christmas is over and lets face it we're all feeling a bit flat, and who doesn't love a bit of sparkle? 


I love the way the glitter shines lots of different colours and this is fast becoming my favourite glitter polish and even featured in my 2014 Beauty Favourites video. It can be used over any colour but my personal faves are black and red it looks great and sooooo sparkly too. I am often asked if I have gel nails on when I use the glitter especially over red and black polishes it's lovely and of course my beloved HG top coat helps with that look too. 

So here's how I achieved today's NOTD ~

Products Used ~ 

First of all I applied a coat of my favourite base coat, the Orly bonder base coat available here and then I applied 2 coats allowing each to dry fully in between of the Barry M nail paint in Black, available here. Then I applied 1 coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust, available here and lastly I applied 1 coat of Orly glosser top coat, available here

I love the finished look and hope you do too, at the time of writing this post I still have the same polish on and it is chip free, I applied it 4 days ago so that's not bad at all, I do give all the credit for that to the Orly top coat it is amazing and helps my polish last so well and is something I highly recommend.

I hope you enjoyed my first NOTD post, if you'd like to see more of these posts please let me know in the comments below, and likewise if you have any questions or comments please leave them below, I always reply to all my comments. 

Thank you for reading, much love as always, 

Zoe x

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