Thursday, 28 May 2015

Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion - A Review

Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion Review

Hello Lovelies, 

If you've been a regular reader of my blog for a while you'll know I am a bit of a lot of a skin care geek, I love skin care and started to take an interest in it around 4 years ago when my skin was horrendously bad and since then I have had a real passion for skin care products. My skin is extremely dry and dehydrated and one of the steps in my skin care routine that I find really helpful for my skin is using an acid tone after cleansing my skin. For almost 2 years now I have been using the Pixi Glow Tonic (review post here) and before that I used the Clarins brightening toner both of which I love but I recently saw the Clinique Clarifying lotion on line whilst I was par taking in my favourite hobby which is on line window shopping, years ago I tried the clarifying lotion number 2 but found it incredibly drying and to be honest I wasn't keen on it so I haven't ever looked at the other clarifying lotions until now, I did a bit of reading into the mild clarifying lotion and wondered if it could be a possible contender for the acid tone step in my skin care routine. Shortly after finding the clarifying lotion I was kindly given a Debenhams voucher from my lovely friend Emma and her husband Chris for my birthday and I knew immediately what I would spend it on.

Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion Review
Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion £16.50 

My First Impressions & Thoughts

The Clinique mild clarifying lotion contains salicylic acid, is alcohol free and is suitable for dry/ very dry skins and sensitive skins. I use it by popping some onto a cotton pad and sweeping it all over my face and down my neck. The first time I used it I noticed it left my skin feeling nice and fresh without feeling dry, it left me with lovely smooth, fresh feeling plumped up skin and I was really impressed with it. It is a pale green colour and is somehow thicker in consistency than any other toners I have tried which probably sounds odd but it's hard to explain, it isn't a watery consistency it's thicker but not by any means a lotion it's like a water but a little bit thicker, I apologise as this is probably the most bizarre explanation of a product you've read! There isn't much of a scent to it at all and it applies well, as I said it leaves my skin feeling really fresh and cool and looking awake and vibrant not dull at all, it helps with the removal of dead skin cells and keeps my very dry and dehydrated skin looking lovely and also prepared for the rest of my skin care products. This would be great for those of you who suffer with breakouts as it contains salicylic acid or for those of you who want an acid tone but can't use products containing glycolic acid as most do, it is a lovely product and made my skin feel lovely too.

Overall Thoughts & Would I Re Purchase?

I really like the mild clarifying lotion, I didn't think I would love it as much as the pixi glow tonic but I do and I will definitely be re purchasing it, it left my skin feeling lovely and the results were brilliant as it helped with my dry patches and left my skin feeling fresh and plump and looking bright which is exactly what I want from an acid toner, I am so glad I found the mild clarifying lotion as it is something I wouldn't have ever looked at, so if like me you're a lover of acid toners and haven't yet tried this one I would definitely recommend it, and as I said if you can't use products with glycolic acid in them but love the idea of an acid toner or if you suffer with breakouts this would be brilliant for you. It's a definite winner in my eyes and I'm so glad I discovered it. If you would like to try the Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion you can find it on line at House Of Fraser (currently on sale for £14.85) BootsDebenhams and the Clinique website (free gift with a £40 spend) for £16.50. 

Are you a skin care geek like me? Do you like to use acid toners? Have you got any recommendations for me? Please let me know in the comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading, much love as always,

Zoe x

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