Saturday, 27 June 2015

How To Get "Unicorn Hair"

How To Get "Unicorn Hair"

Hello Lovelies, 

My eldest daughter Cole loves Unicorns, she also loves funky hair colours and being a little bit different,  combine all three things and I have a daughter with pink and lilac hair or "unicorn hair" as we call it, I say we call it that but it appears so do rather a lot of other people too. Pinterest is full of boards with pins entitled "unicorn hair" showing images of people with multicoloured hair like Cole. 

I posted the above photograph on Instagram recently and since then so many people have asked questions about Coles hair and how she got it like that, what she used or what she asks for at the hairdressers etc so I thought I would write a post telling you exactly how Cole got her "unicorn hair". 

What You'll Need.

Two Tint Brushes

Directions Semi Permanent Hair Colour In Lavender

Directions Semi Permanent Hair Colour In Carnation Pink £3.95.

Latex Gloves 

Vaseline for around your hair line to protect it (optional)

An old towel to cover your shoulders to protect your clothes.

How To Achieve "Unicorn Hair"

*Before using Directions or any hair colour it is advisable to do a patch test first* 

1. Using a tint brush, brush the lavender colour straight from the pot and brush onto dry hair in small sections from the root to wherever you'd like it (Cole has it around half way down her hair) making sure all the hair is covered, you can use your hands to rub the colour in once it has been brushed on if you wish to make sure all the colour is rubbed into the hair properly - Cole does this. 

2. Using another tint brush, brush the Carnation Pink colour straight from the pot and brush onto dry hair on the rest of the hair in small sections,  making sure all the hair is covered, you can use your hands to rub the colour in once it has been brushed on if you wish to make sure all the colour is rubbed into the hair - Cole does this.

3. Wash and dry one of your tint brushes, then mix what your have left in each pot of colour and blend the colours together on the hair where there is a line where the Lavender meets the Carnation Pink.  

4. Leave the colour on your hair for an hour, then rinse your hair until all the colour is out or the water runs clear.

5. Dry and style your hair as normal. 

The Result.

How To Get "Unicorn Hair"

I think Coles hair looks amazing, it is super easy to do and there are so many colours to choose from.  Directions are sold in a variety of different colours so you could use whatever colours you wanted   dependant on your personal choice. You can also use Directions on wet hair but Cole prefers to use it on dry hair as she feels she gets a more vibrant colour that way, applying the colour in small sections creates a more even finish. If you would like a more 'pastel' colour mix the Directions with some conditioner and apply in the same way. 

If you coloured your hair what colour would you choose? I quite fancy some pastel pink through the ends of my hair but I think I'm a little old for having pink hair, what do you think? 

Thank you for reading, much love as always, 

Zoe x

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