Friday, 23 September 2016

The Autumn Tag 2016

The Autumn Tag 2016

Hello Lovelies

I saw this tag on the lovely Fee's blog and as soon as I read it I wanted to do the tag myself, I like reading tag posts, I think it's a nice way of finding out a bit more about a blogger and since Autumn or Fall as you may call it, is well and truly upon us I thought today was a good time to do the tag, I hope you enjoy it.

1. What signifies the start of Autumn for you?

For me Autumn is well and truly here when the temperature outside drops and the weather becomes cooler and also when the nights start to draw in and it goes dark a lot earlier, it is going dark at around 7.30pm at the moment but it won't be long before it's dark at 4.30pm. I also know it's Autumn when the leaves start to fall from the trees and there's lovely shades of orange leaves on the ground.

2. What is your favourite Fall scent?

It might sound a bit strange but I love the smell of Bonfire night, when the local cricket club has it's annual bonfire the air smells lovely the morning after, all crisp and smoky with the faint smell of the fireworks too. I also like the smell of pumpkin soup, we always buy pumpkins and always have since our eldest was a baby (she's 25 now) and now my eldest daughter and my partner carve a pumpkin each at Halloween and there's usually an Instagram competition between them (follow me here)  Simon always makes pumpkin soup with melting cheese with the inside of the pumpkins and it is delicious and smells amazing too. 

3. What is your favourite Autumn colour?

I'm going to be greedy now and choose two colours I like, and they are khaki green and burgundy, I love both colours and like to wear both during Autumn, I have a new khaki green skirt that will look lovely with tights and boots and I can't wait to wear it. 

4. What is your favourite Fall drink?

Now the answer most people will probably have for this question is some kind of Starbucks or Costa Coffee drink but I don't really like tea, coffee or hot chocolate so unfortunately for me it is my usual Pepsi Max or bottled water and occasionally I like a hot Ribena, that said I do always try the Costa Coffee seasonal drinks when Simon has them but I couldn't ever drink a full one myself. 

5. What TV show, new or old, are you looking forward to this Fall?

I love watching the X Factor during Autumn (and winter) and I am loving it at the moment, one of my friends knows one of the contestants this year so I'm loving it even more this year. I am also looking forward to watching a new drama called National Treasure with Robbie Coltrane and Julie Walters, we have our Virgin Media box set to record that. I have also said that this year I am going to watch Strictly Come Dancing because my mum and dad watch it every year and love it and they always chat to me about it and I never have a clue who they mean so I am going to make an effort to watch it properly this year instead of just watching the odd few minutes here and there as I usually do. 

6. What is your favourite Fall fashion trend?

I like to wear dresses with thick tights and boots but this year I would like to try one of the capes with sleeves, I saw lots of people wearing them last year and they look lovely and I have seen them in the shops again this year, so I would like to try one and see if it suits me. I also like to wear nice scarves and hats but sometimes feel a bit silly in a hat. 

7. What is your favourite frugal Autumn activity?

My partner is a nursery teacher so he is always on the look out for crafts to do with the children he teaches, I love looking on Pinterest (follow me here) with him for idea's of things the children can make. I also love to watch my daughter Cole and Simon carve their pumpkins, it is always quite the event in our house! Watching the fireworks out of our lounge window is lovely too, we always took the girls to an organised bonfire and firework display and also had some of our own fireworks at home when they were small but Simon had a very bad accident 10 years ago involving fire and he hasn't been able to go to a bonfire or light fireworks since, but I do like watching the fireworks from the window and our children are grown up now so going to an organised bonfire isn't really their thing. Another thing I love is watching my daughter makeover her clients for Halloween, she is a professional makeup artist and incredible at what she does and some of her clients come to our house so I always ask if I can sit in the room and watch her as she transforms them, I always upload her Halloween makeup looks to Instagram so keep an eye out if you'd like to see them. 

8. What is your favourite makeup look come autumnal weather?

I usually wear a neutral eye look using brown shades on my eyes but I have recently started to use more warm shades of eyeshadow so I am looking forward to using those during Autumn too as I think the orange toned and cranberry toned shadows will be lovely, I always wear a neutral blush during Autumn, my favourite being MAC Mocha and my favourite lip colour to wear in Autumn is a red lip depending on the eye look I have chosen but I love a red lip and wear it a lot during Autumn. 

Those are all the questions in the Autumn tag, thank you to the lovely Fee for the questions and the Image. If you would like to do this tag I shall leave the questions below for you to copy and paste, please let me know if you do do the tag so I can read it. You can read Fee's tag here

The Questions

1. What signifies the start of Autumn for you?
2. What is your favourite Fall scent?
3. What is your favourite Autumn colour?
4. What is your favourite Fall drink?
5. What TV show, new or old, are you looking forward to this Fall?
6. What is your favourite Fall fashion trend?
7. What is your favourite frugal Autumn activity?
8. What is your favourite makeup look come autumnal weather? 

Thank you for reading, much love as always

Zoe x

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