Friday, 20 July 2018

Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes Ice White Shampoo

Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes Ice White Shampoo

I have used Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes shampoo for a couple of years now and more recently I have used the Tone Correcting Conditioning Spray too, they are great products. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you'll know I love Lee Stafford hair products and tools, they never disappoint and always give me great results. So when I received the new Lee Stafford Ice Whites shampoo £6.99, I couldn't wait to give a try and see if I liked it as much as the OG bleach blondes shampoo. 

As you may know, my daughters often try out products for me too, my eldest who is naturally brunette, has her hair bleached and at the moment she is blonde with a stretched root. Her hair does get very warm toned, or brassy so I thought she would be the perfect guinea pig to try the shampoo too, and so she has also been trying it out. This way you get both the opinion of myself who has tinted naturally blonde hair and my daughter who has her hair bleached. 

Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes Ice White Shampoo

My hair is naturally blonde, but it isn't quite as blonde as it looks naturally,  I do have it tinted an ash blonde shade. My hair is naturally a darker toned blonde than I have it and it is also going grey, but since I'm not about to grow old gracefully anytime soon, I have it tinted. Sometimes I have some highlights through the top but only a few and I haven't had those for around 12 months, but I never ever have my hair bleached, because it is naturally blonde, I don't need it bleached, just tinted.  

Even though I don't have my hair bleached, it sometimes can look a little warm toned, especially at the back, (my sister is my hair dresser and has told me the reason for this but I can't for the life of me remember) and because of this, I have used a violet toned or silver shampoo for years and have tried most brands out there, as I said I have used the Lee Stafford original bleach blondes shampoo for the last couple of years and have really enjoyed using it, but I was intrigued as to whether the Ice Whites would be any better.

Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes Ice White Shampoo

Refresh and restore your Blonde with my BLEAch BLondes Ice WHiTE SHaMPOO!
Blonde hair is notorious for colour shifting… over-washing and sun exposure can leave a warm hue to even the ashiest of blondes. Stop brassy tones in their tracks and hit refresh with this powerful Silver Shampoo!
Formulated with true blue pigments, this indigo toning Shampoo helps knock out brassy tones, leaving an icy cool, arctic tone. For a lighter, brighter Platinum Blonde!

• Tones Blonde Hair

• Refreshes and Restores 
• Enhances Silver Tones
• Moisturises
• UV Protection
• Iconic Pink Fragrance

The Lee Stafford Ice Whites shampoo, has a pleasant scent, it is said to be the Pink fragrance but I do think it smells very similar to the original shampoo and as with the OG shampoo, the colour of the Ice Whites shampoo is purple, but I'd say the Ice Whites is much more blue/purple than the deep purple of the Bleach Blondes shampoo. The shampoo lathers up well and rinses out easily too and my hair is left feeling lovely and clean, once dried my hair looks lovely, shiny and healthy. 

The Ice Whites shampoo keeps my hair the nice ash toned blonde and knocks out any warm tones that I may have at the back or when my hair is due to be tinted. My daughter has also been using the Ice Whites shampoo and as I said, her hair is bleached. She has found the shampoo to be really effective at knocking out the warm, brassy tones in her hair, we have both been really happy with it. 

I have very oily hair and find I can miss a day between washing when using the Ice Whites shampoo, and then if I use dry shampoo, I can leave it another day without washing, something I thought worth sharing in case like me, you have oily hair too. My daughter however does use a conditioner as her hair is dry due to bleaching, so if your hair is bleached, you may want to use conditioner too. 

Round Up

Overall, the Lee Stafford Ice Whites shampoo, is a great addition to the Bleach Blondes range and is great for blonde hair whether it is tinted or bleached and especially if you have a platinum or ash toned blonde and want to keep it looking fresh and not warm or brassy toned. The shampoo is a reasonable price too and is currently on offer at Boots where Lee Stafford products are currently on offer for 3 for £15.00, so a good time to try it. 

Have you tried the Ice Whites shampoo? Do you use a violet/silver shampoo for your blonde hair? Chat with me in the comments and let me know. 
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