Sunday, 10 January 2021

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

This is my first post of 2021, and I just wanted to say, a big Happy New Year to you and I hope you have had a nice Christmas too if you celebrate it. I hope the pandemic didn't impact things too much. 

I decided that although it's a new year, I'm not going to choose any resolutions, I haven't done for many years now. I do like to have goals but I haven't given it much thought as yet, I'm going to jot some down and see how I go, would you be interested in seeing what I decide on, goals for 2021 post maybe? 

What's Coming in 2021?

• If you saw my Long Time No See blog post back in November, I mentioned that blogging is my way of escaping real life, I have quite a few a lot of health problems and my blog is somewhere I can be Zoë, just chatting away with you all and I can pretend, just for a short time that I don't have so much going on in my life.  

• In 2021 I'm going to be taking things back to old school blogging, I'm going to go back over some of my older posts and see what people enjoyed reading and I enjoyed writing and maybe take things back a little and see where it takes me. 

• Our house needs a lot of work, as in cosmetic work, we've had to have so much "construction work" I suppose you could call it, done that the cosmetic things had to wait. It gets me down, to be honest with you and I can't wait to start on it. We have been saving for years now and we thought we'd found the perfect company for our bedroom but unfortunately, it wasn't as perfect as we originally thought. I am going to have the full story of this in an IGTV at some point soon so keep an eye out if you're interested. But my point albeit long winded, about the house is that I am going to create some mood boards and wish lists to share with you the kind of thing we're hoping for, I am also open to your ideas and knowing how you have done things in your homes, I basically am stuck and have no idea where to start! 

• Fashion and beauty posts and reviews will be featuring in 2021, as will wishlists and hauls. 

• Mental health, especially Eating Disorders is something very close to my heart, so there will be posts on topics that centre around that. I don't go into my health issues too much because, as I said, this is my escapism so to sit chatting about it wouldn't be and I don't want to bore you all, but you may see some things that touch on it from time to time. 

• I have some beauty bits I picked up over the last few months and haven't used as yet, so I'm going to share those in a haul and then once I've used things I will let you know how I'm finding them. 

• I have beauty, fashion, lifestyle bits I kindly received for Christmas to share with you too, and I won an incredible Omorovicza skincare set on the lovely Beautylymin blog just before Christmas that I can't wait to share my thoughts with you about. 

• I will have family content, content featuring our gorgeous fur baby, who you might not have met yet, and lots of other things too. I don't want to sit here and rhyme it all off her cause a, it'll be boring as hell for you to read, and b, you don't want/need to know everything I have in mind for 2021 do you? 

But if beauty, life, reviews, wishlists/mood boards, home decor, family, furbabies, fashion, plus a whole lot more floats your boat, then I'd love you to stick around, and if you're new here and don't already, you can follow my blog via Bloglovin here, I also share my latest blog posts across my socials too, if you would like to follow me on those, you can find them here:

Instagram here 
Twitter here 
Facebook here
Pinterest here

I think that's enough waffling for one day, don't you? Did I mention I'm a chatterbox? 

I'd love you to join me for the ride, after all, Boris does keep saying "we're all in this together". 
Thank you for reading, I'll chat with you soon.... 


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