Friday 21 January 2022

Happy New Year - New Year, New Blog Look

Mammafulzo - Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year, well I say new, we're almost nearing the end of January now, but since this is my first blog post of 2022, it is only right to wish you a Happy New Year. 

More excitingly, this is also my first blog post since my blog has had a little makeover, do you like it?

I'd had the same blog look for such a long time and it really was tired, so I decided in December that I was going to have a little blog makeover. The pink theme is still around, but I wouldn't be me if it wasn't pink would I? But it's all a little more neat and tidy now, I'm thinking of a new header now so if you have any ideas, let me know. 

Apart from wishing you a Happy New Year and sharing my new blog look, I also wanted to pick your brains, I am going to be asking on my Instagram stories over the next few days, but thought I'd ask here too, what would you like to see from my blog in 2022? I'd love to know and I'm open to suggestions, if you'd rather wait for the Instagram stories, that's fine, but if not, pop a comment below and let me know your thoughts, please. 

Anyway, I just wanted to pop on so I'm not going to waffle on, but I will be back with another post soon, if you're not already following my blog, and you'd like to, you can hit the Follow Me On Bloglovin category which is just over there → and to follow my social media accounts, just tap the icons in the Follow Me On Social Media category which is just above. 

I'll be back soon, but don't forget to let me know what you'd like to see on MammafulZo in 2022 either in the comments section below or on my Instagram stories. 

Thank you for reading


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