Monday, 30 November 2020

8 Christmas Decorations I'm Loving This Year

8 Christmas Decorations I Love This Year

*None of the links in this post are affiliate links*

Have you got your Christmas decorations up yet? 

We haven't, we are putting ours up next weekend, but since this weekend was dubbed the most popular weekend to decorate for Christmas, I thought I'd share with you, 8 of my favourite decorations I have found whilst online shopping this year. 

We don't really have a theme as such when it comes to Christmas decor, we have lots of different decorations that I suppose you could say are family decorations, we have things both our daughters like, we have cute things, we have lots of sparkle and we even have a small tree decorated purely with Star Wars decorations, that one is down to my partner, Simon. 

Anyway, I'll stop chattering on and let you know where the decorations I'm loving are from and how much they are, there will be direct links to them all, just click the price to be taken directly to the items. 

1. Polar Bear And Cub - The Range £12.99 - I love this, my eldest adores Polar Bears, she always has, and she will also love this, we have lots of Polar Bear decorations and this will fit in perfectly with them. My daughter is extremely creative and she decorates our house and tree beautifully for Christmas,  so I can imagine she would create a lovely Christmassy scene with this.

2. Christmas Countdown Decoration - Marks & Spencer £12.50 - When I saw this on the M&S website, I thought it was so cute, I love the little Father Christmas and sleigh on the top and it's so cute as the sleigh has little presents in it. A nice ornament for Christmas and nice if you have children too who might like to change the numbers. 

3. Reindeer Storage Bag - Next £12.00 - How cute is this? I don't really have a clue what I'd do with it, but it's cute, right? Maybe I could roll some festive throws up and store them in it? Or I could put Bears toys in it and use it as a Christmas doggy toy box? Or it could just sit there looking cute, who knows? It is really cute though! 

4. Family Word Block - Next £14.00 - I love this so much, we are such a close family and this is perfect for us, we all lovely anything family-related so this is something we'd all really like.

5. Reindeer Baubles (set of 2)  - Next £6.00 - These are just perfect for our tree, fluffy and sparkly, they'll fit in just fine, I love the little red noses and sparkly antlers, super cute and more affordable than I thought they'd be too. 

6. Alphabet Light Up Letter Decoration - Marks & Spencer £4.00 - I really like these and for the last few years I have wanted to get these in our family initials.  I see them every year but as soon as they come online, the Z is out of stock, I wonder if they don't make as many Z's because it perhaps isn't as popular as other letters? It's out of stock again this year sadly, but my parents need to go to M&S once it is open again later in the week, so they are going to look for one for me, so fingers crossed. I don't want to hang them on the tree, I want to use them as ornaments on our sideboard, hopefully, this will be the year I can. 

7. Glitter Polar Bear Family - Next £14.00 - More Polar Bears, these are less cutesy than the other one, but I love it, you may not know this, but Bears are our family thing, they are very important to us and anything Bear related always draws me in, not usually Polar Bears as much,  but because my daughter loves them I am always drawn to them too. Last year my daughter made our lounge windowsill into an arctic theme with the decorations she used, it was beautiful and I think these will be a lovely addition for this year. 

8. Small Pudding Room Decoration - Marks & Spencer £5.00 - This cute little pudding just drew me in, I love it, I have no idea where to put it, but it's so cute that I'm sure there'd be some room for it. There is a larger one if this is a bit small for you, but I liked the smaller one, plus it will be easier to find a space for. 

So there are 8 Christmas decorations I'm loving this year, in all honesty, I could have written a 25 or 50 decorations I'm loving this year post, but I think it may be a tad too much. There are so many nice decorations this year, I have looked on B&M and Home Bargains online too and on their Instagram pages and they have some really nice things too, in fact, our daughter bought a nice room decoration from B&M and some packs of baubles, they have lots of lovely things and are definitely worth a look.  

Hopefully, I will get some of these decorations before ours go up next weekend, I'll be sure to let you know if I do. 

I hope you like the 8 things I chose, which is your favourite? 


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