Sunday, 21 February 2016

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge And Beauty Blender Comparison

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge V's The Beauty Blender - Is There A Difference?

Hello Lovelies

I recently reviewed the Beauty Blender Make Up's Best Friend Kit on my blog and you can see that post here if you haven't already, but since posting that review I have had many questions regarding the Beauty Blender and if I think it's worth the extra money compared to some of the cheaper alternatives available on the high street. I did touch on that slightly in my review but today I am going to share with you an in depth comparison of the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and the Beauty Blender and I'm going to share my thoughts on both products and then tell you which I prefer and why. 

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge V's The Beauty Blender - Is There A Difference?

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge V's The Beauty Blender - Is There A Difference?

I first purchased the Miracle Complexion Sponge back in the spring of last year, I had never used any other brand of make up sponge before and I did want to try the Beauty Blender but wondered if the price difference was worth it and decided that I would go with the RT sponge and if I liked it then brilliant but if not I would maybe purchase the Beauty Blender. The first time I used the RT sponge I loved it, I used it to apply my concealer and foundation using the rounded side to bounce the product onto my face and the pointed edge to get into the corners of my nose and around my eyes, I loved the sponge and couldn't believe I hadn't bought one before. 

The first time I washed the sponge however I was really disappointed as I was left with a sponge with what I can only describe as it looked like it had bits gouged out of it, it was really odd but my sponge had holes in it, I have seen quite a few people have the same problem since I mentioned it on social media, I spoke to Superdrug as I purchased the sponge from their website and they were brilliant, unfortunately they didn't have a replacement so they refunded me the money and I was able to order a replacement on line from Boots. 

Apart from the issues I had after washing the RT sponge I really liked it and once I'd got my replacement sponge I used it to apply my foundation and concealer, I loved the results and had a lovely flawless finish to my makeup. 

The Beauty Blender

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge V's The Beauty Blender - Is There A Difference?

The Beauty Blender is slightly different in shape to the RT sponge, it is egg shaped with the RT sponge having a flat edge on one of the rounded edges at the bottom of the sponge. The first time I used the BB I was blown away, I loved it and my foundation looked absolutely flawless. I used the rounded edge to bounce my foundation onto my skin and then used the pointed end to apply my corrector and concealer under and around my eyes and around my nose also. I also noticed I don't use anywhere near as much product with the Beauty Blender as I do with the Real Techniques sponge.

The Beauty Blender washed absolutely fine, no breakage or damage at all but some of the pink colour does come out when I rinse the BB, this doesn't cause any problems at all or have any ill effects but I wanted to mention it. 

I absolutely love the BB and use it all the time to apply my foundation, I have a Micro Mini Beauty Blender to apply my concealer and corrector but I have used the Beauty Blender to apply them too and it was excellent and provided a flawless finish, I absolutely love the way my make up looks when I use the BB.

Overall Thoughts & Which Do I Prefer?

Both products have their pros and cons and these are - 

✿ Real Techniques 

Pros - Price.
          Applies foundation and concealer well and provides a nice base. 

Cons - Soaks up and uses a lot of product, can damage when washed.

✿ Beauty Blender

Pros - Applies foundation and concealer with an incredibly flawless finish.
           Doesn't soak up a lot of product, feels very soft.
           Washes well. 

Cons - Price. 

Putting aside the pros and cons there really is no comparison when choosing between the Beauty Blender and the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge, the Beauty Blender wins hands down without hesitation, I honestly didn't think there would be a difference at all besides the money but there is, my foundation looks so much nicer when I use the Beauty Blender and even more flawless than with the Real Techniques, I had always wondered if there would be a difference and there is, and that doesn't mean that the Real Techniques sponge is a bad product because it isn't at all, it just means that in my opinion the Beauty Blender is so much better. 

The question I am asked the most is "is the Beauty Blender worth the extra money?" and I think it is, the difference in the way my foundation applies and looks is amazing, there is a £10.00 price difference between both but I honestly think it is worth it. I don't use nearly as much product using the Beauty Blender, the Real Techniques soaks up a lot of product and I noticed a considerable difference when I use the Beauty Blender which will save me money over time also but for me it is the way my make up looks that is the real big thing for me, I have very dry and dehydrated skin and foundation and concealer are products that can be an issue for my skin but the Beauty Blender leaves my skin looking incredible and a lot more flawless than when I use the Real Techniques sponge so I will always re purchase the Beauty Blender from now on and unfortunately won't re purchase the Real Techniques sponge. 

The Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge is a great product and if you are on a budget or don't have problem skin like me I would say go for that one, it is a great product and it will apply your make up well and leave you with a flawless base but if you have a little more money to spend or have problem skin definitely go for the Beauty Blender, it really does make a difference and you won't be disappointed, it's incredible! 

If you would like to buy the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge you can find it on the Look Fantastic website for £5.99 including delivery and if you would like to buy the Beauty Blender you can find it on line on the Beauty Blender website for £16.00 including delivery. 

I really hope this post has helped those of you who wanted a comparison between the Beauty Blender and the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge, I was exactly the same as a lot of my readers and wondered if the extra £10 was worth spending but in my opinion it really is and I hope today's post has helped those of you who were torn between the two. 

Have you tried either of the sponges? What are your thoughts? Chat with me in the comments as it may be helpful for others to know your thoughts too. 

Thank you for reading, much love as always

Zoe x

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